Thursday, October 06, 2005

Katamari Damacy

Well, after poking and proding by friends and co-workers to get this game, I did. It's addictive lil thing. I bet it in a day and a half, it's that addicting. Basically you are this lil cosmos prince, and you have to fix the King's mess up. His mess up being that he destroyed all the Cosmos.

You take your Katamari and roll up all kinds of stuff. The Katamari ends up getting turned into constellations, stars, and finally, the moon. It's very puzzle like at times. There are time limits and restrictions. The most painful restriction are the maps that have the rule of only rolling up ONE of something. It's a pain in the arse! lol.

All and all, this game is cute. Graphics are cell shaded basic blocky graphics, so no super 3d realistic pictures. It's a great way to work out frustrations. More than once I came to an understand of how much fun Godzilla would have had if he were real. lol. Well, off to play the sequel, We Love Katamari. =)

4 out of 5 stars
Some re-playablity trying to max your scores
Stress reliver
Rather addicting!


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